Securing a Future for Rural Wisconsin
Jeff raised his family and grew a successful business in western Wisconsin but like you, he’s worried about what the future holds for the next generation that wants to do the same. We must pull together to secure a future for rural Wisconsin with broadband expansion, access to clean water, high quality health care, and well-funded public schools.
We can count on Jeff to stand up for rural Wisconsin.
Affordable Broadband Access
Jeff, at his rural township home where his family long lacked reliable internet access.
Broadband expansion has been a priority for Jeff all along. The past two years have made the need for broadband even more clear. From telemedicine, to online schooling, to remote work opportunities— the future of our rural economy depends on broadband expansion. Jeff knows that we need a comprehensive approach to address everything from the lack of services in communities like Plum City to monopolies in cities like Eau Claire.
Jeff has worked to expand access in western Wisconsin, introducing legislation to:
Provide $1.166 billion to fund the broadband expansion grant program
Make these grants available to homeowners without broadband to help cover the costs to extend broadband lines to their property
Create a new Internet assistance program for low-income individuals
Allow electric providers to use their easements to install, lease, or maintain broadband infrastructure
Ban sales of broadband services that cannot consistently provide a minimum download speed of 25 Mbps and a minimum upload speed of 3 Mbps
Prioritize projects expanding broadband lines to farms
Clean Water for All
Jeff knows that clean water is key to the history and future of western Wisconsin
In the land of clean lakes and flowing rivers, water is life. Western Wisconsin’s economy was built on water. Ojibwe birch bark canoes carried food and family on the currents of the Eau Claire River. Log rollers drove the growing lumber industry forward with every bend of the Chippewa River. Today, pollution and invasive species threaten the health and safety of our water.
As a lifelong western Wisconsinite, Jeff is committed to protecting our water so future generations can enjoy all its benefits. He has introduced proposals to create a Water Fund for Our Future and add $500,000 in funding to the Groundwater Coordinating Council.
Jeff also worked on legislation to:
Expand the safe drinking water loan program to replace lead service lines
Add $1.5 million in funding for protection and management of lakes and rivers
Increase funding for local governments to do soil and water resource management
Raise the annual fee for concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs)
Fund rapid response testing of water from wells near sources of PFAS contamination
Provide technical assistance to farmers working to improve water quality
Access to Quality Health Care
Local health care professionals support Jeff because they know they can count on him to work toward greater health care access
Rural areas are facing hospital closures, rising health care costs, and staffing shortages of health care workers. As our state recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic, it will be more important than ever before that we all have access to the health care we need. Mental health challenges, substance abuse, and ongoing COVID-19 cases are straining our health care system and impacting the lives of our neighbors across western Wisconsin.
Jeff has worked to:
Require research into mental health issues and challenges accessing mental health services in rural areas of the state
Provide grants to counties, cities, and towns to staff law enforcement agencies with mental health crisis intervention teams to connect those in crisis with health care services sooner
He has also supported legislation that would:
Retain health care staff by providing hazard pay to certain workers during a public health emergency
Connect tax filers with information on affordable health insurance coverage options
Require health insurance to cover infertility treatments and services
Cover maternal mental health screenings under BadgerCare
Fair Funding for Public Schools
Jeff’s wife, Sue, taught in the Eau Claire public school system for decades. He has a proven record of standing up for children, teachers, and public education.
Jeff’s decades of public service began as a volunteer in his daughters’ classrooms. He knows how valuable our public schools are for Wisconsin families so he has worked since day one to provide fair funding to every school in the state. Every kid deserves a great education- rural and urban kids alike.
Jeff has worked in legislation that would:
Restore our state’s commitment to covering two-thirds of public school costs
Supports school district efforts to remediate lead contamination
Expand funding for special education aid
Create grant programs for to school boards to collaborate with community mental
health agencies to provide mental health services to students
Wisconsin’s technical schools and UW System schools are critical to the state’s economy. Jeff has also worked to support students in higher education.
Jeff has supported efforts to:
Create a Freedom to Learn Program to cover resident tuition and fees at technical colleges and two-year UW System schools in the 2022-23 academic year
Provide funding to the UW System for additional or improved student health services related to mental and behavioral health.
Right to Choose an Abortion
Jeff supports a person’s right to choose for themselves whether to continue or terminate a pregnancy. He doesn’t believe that the government should be able to force a person to carry a pregnancy to term that is unwanted or unsafe, yet that is the reality for people in WIsconsin today.
Wisconsinites that need an abortion must now travel out-of-state to access this necessary health care thanks to a felony law which pre-dates the Civil War. Though most people agree that this draconian law has no place in modern society, Jeff’s opponent has been endorsed by organizations that support it and other abortion bans with no exceptions for rape or incest.
Jeff has a proven record of standing up for access to reproductive health care: